Orphaned at a young age, Rachel is left penniless and alone in the streets of turn-of-the-century Newcastle. In the depths of despair she is delighted to learn that her eccentric Uncle Joshua has left her his house in Sunderland. But it comes with a strict proviso: she must marry her sworn enemy Martin.
Otherwise, her dangerous cousin Saul Gorman will inherit the lot. And Saul will stop at nothing to claim inheritance…
Otherwise, her dangerous cousin Saul Gorman will inherit the lot. And Saul will stop at nothing to claim inheritance…
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'Irene Carr knows the world she recreates in her tales and it shows in the detail...Lovers of North East sagas won't be disappointed' - Newcastle Evening Chronicle on EMILY
'Irene Carr is posing a serious challenge for the crown vacated by Catherine Cookson' - Sunderland Echo on KATY'S MEN
'In the tradition of Catherine Cookson, strong on plot and character' - Sunderland Echo on EMILY
'A warm-hearted yet gritty saga' - Paisley Daily Express on LOVERS MEETING
'A splendid tale of jealousy, revenge and hard-won love' Bolton Evening News on FANCY WOMAN
'Another turbulent tale in the Cookson mode...there's no quenching the appeal of stories like this' Sunderland Echo on FANCY WOMAN